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The DRM-free initiative.

We've always been on a mission to offer you games with no DRM protection whatsoever. Today, we want to start taking things a step further, help out people who bought a retail game with DRM, then ended up stuck with something rather unplayable. We can help you enjoy your favorites once again, and this time around, enjoy them DRM-free!

There are countless retail games out there that don’t work for various reasons: unsupported types of DRM, system incompatibilities, broken features. There's too many too count. Starting today, owners of several retail titles originally sold with DRM can get a digital copy of their game completely free at with no DRM as always, compatible with modern operating systems, and with plenty of goodies to boot.
<span class="bold">Reclaim these games, DRM-FREE:</span>

Editions released worldwide:
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat

Editions released only in CIS & Russian territories:
-Mount & Blade: Warband
-Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
-Eador: Genesis

To reclaim your game, just use one of the keys that came with your box. You can find more detailed information on the Reclaim your games, DRM-FREE! page to see if your key is compatible and just where to go from there.

This is just the start of something much bigger. We plan to add more titles to the list in the future - it's a long and complicated process that involves negotiating with multiple parties and a scavenger hunt to retrieve forgotten key-databases - but then, we are on a mission here, we'll do whatever it takes.
Post edited April 02, 2015 by Konrad
JudasIscariot: Ask yourself: what would we gain from those keys? :) So no, it's not a trick :)
PaterAlf: A Thievin' Bastard asks what he would gain from some keys. Now I'm sure that it is a trick. :P
I don't work in Support :P
PurSpyk: Thanks redeemed my Stalker dvd code, but now its listed as the Russian version, my dvd is the english version
Check the drop down menu from your account :) You have access to the English and Russian versions of the game :)