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HolisticGaming: Do you not use Galaxy or something?

Like, I get using the offline installers if Galaxy isn't your jam, but they're not officially supported and are booked as a simple means of backing up your games.
You get Red Launcher now with or without Galaxy and it it is full of ads, telling you to buy games you already own.
Thankfully the game run fine, despite the ads, at least for me.
Post edited March 06, 2024 by SargonAelther
HolisticGaming: Do you not use Galaxy or something?

Like, I get using the offline installers if Galaxy isn't your jam, but they're not officially supported and are booked as a simple means of backing up your games.
SargonAelther: You get Red Launcher now with or without Galaxy and it it is full of ads, telling you to buy games you already own.
Thankfully the game run fine, despite the ads, at least for me.
Use the Cyberpunk2077.exe in [installfolder]bin\x64 and simply bypass the new Launcher
HolisticGaming: Do you not use Galaxy or something?

Like, I get using the offline installers if Galaxy isn't your jam, but they're not officially supported and are booked as a simple means of backing up your games.
SargonAelther: You get Red Launcher now with or without Galaxy and it it is full of ads, telling you to buy games you already own.
Thankfully the game run fine, despite the ads, at least for me.
I guess I'm confused, because I never get the Red Launcher. I got it once, at the very beginning of patch 2.11, but that was it.
RizzoCuoco: You do realize that the patch only patches the base game, right? Meaning, you still have to redownload and install Phantom Liberty version 2.12. GOG never released any patch for the DLC....ever. This is the same process that it has been since Phantom Liberty came out. still need to redownload Phantom Liberty 2.12 even after patching the base.
This makes no sense at all. In no other game are the main program and the expansions patched separately. There's no reason someone would expect Cyberpunk 2077 out of all possible games to be the one exception.
RizzoCuoco: You do realize that the patch only patches the base game, right? Meaning, you still have to redownload and install Phantom Liberty version 2.12. GOG never released any patch for the DLC....ever. This is the same process that it has been since Phantom Liberty came out. still need to redownload Phantom Liberty 2.12 even after patching the base.
rastilin: This makes no sense at all. In no other game are the main program and the expansions patched separately. There's no reason someone would expect Cyberpunk 2077 out of all possible games to be the one exception.
Wrong almost every game here on GOG the main gets a patch, and all DLC get a patch. If the DLC doesn't receive a patch, then you must download the new build. It is what it is. Take your complaints to GOG, not me. I didn't have any problems because I know what I am doing, don't use Galaxy, and understand how these things work. This is a you problem as far as I am concerned. See screenshot to refute your claims.
Post edited March 08, 2024 by RizzoCuoco
WebJunkie: So why do I get a pointless launcher that spams me to upgrade to the 'Ultimate' edition when i've already bought it? My account says I have 'Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition' so why doesn't it know?

I updated from 2.11 (whole game install not a patch) to 2.12 using the patch files and it has broken the game, says Phantom Liberty has file a validation error [error:8] and does not match the base games version and won't let me load my save as it says Phantom Liberty is not installed?

Did anyone test this patch or are they just doing what Microsoft do and let end users alpha test their junk updates?

What a clusterf*ck!!
I got the same issue and my internet is slow as hell, thanks Riot Games.
Copied from another thread, but it is my answer and my fix works:

I just tested, saw it for myself, and fixed it.

Go to file explorer >
Navigate to the folder CP 2077 is in >
Go into Bin > X64 >
Copy "Cyberpunk2077" APPLICATION file >
Paste shortcut on desktop *IMPORTANT you "Paste Shortcut" and not just "paste"* >
WebJunkie: So why do I get a pointless launcher that spams me to upgrade to the 'Ultimate' edition when i've already bought it? My account says I have 'Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition' so why doesn't it know?

I updated from 2.11 (whole game install not a patch) to 2.12 using the patch files and it has broken the game, says Phantom Liberty has file a validation error [error:8] and does not match the base games version and won't let me load my save as it says Phantom Liberty is not installed?

Did anyone test this patch or are they just doing what Microsoft do and let end users alpha test their junk updates?

What a clusterf*ck!!
I fixed it, sorry for doubting you. I didn't realize they'd adjusted the cp2077 launcher from the main game folder to run redlauncher 100% of the time. I sincerely apologize, bro.
Post edited March 18, 2024 by HolisticGaming
HolisticGaming: Copied from another thread, but it is my answer and my fix works:

I just tested, saw it for myself, and fixed it.

Go to file explorer >
Navigate to the folder CP 2077 is in >
Go into Bin > X64 >
Copy "Cyberpunk2077" APPLICATION file >
Paste shortcut on desktop *IMPORTANT you "Paste Shortcut" and not just "paste"* >
WebJunkie: So why do I get a pointless launcher that spams me to upgrade to the 'Ultimate' edition when i've already bought it? My account says I have 'Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition' so why doesn't it know?

I updated from 2.11 (whole game install not a patch) to 2.12 using the patch files and it has broken the game, says Phantom Liberty has file a validation error [error:8] and does not match the base games version and won't let me load my save as it says Phantom Liberty is not installed?

Did anyone test this patch or are they just doing what Microsoft do and let end users alpha test their junk updates?

What a clusterf*ck!!
HolisticGaming: I fixed it, sorry for doubting you. I didn't realize they'd adjusted the cp2077 launcher from the main game folder to run redlauncher 100% of the time. I sincerely apologize, bro.
No worries, at least a shortcut to the original launcher still works!
FWIW uninstalling "Red Launcher" from control panel fixed it permanently for me.
CatAngels: FWIW uninstalling "Red Launcher" from control panel fixed it permanently for me.
Should be 'optional' not forced on you!!
CatAngels: FWIW uninstalling "Red Launcher" from control panel fixed it permanently for me.
WebJunkie: Should be 'optional' not forced on you!!
You might also want the check the Cyberpunk 2077 main directory for the Red Launcher files.

REDprelauncher.exe ~1,771kb
setup_redlauncher.exe ~627,452kb (yes, that's 627mb of useless download clogging up HD space)

Even when you uninstall it, these files remain and the launcher will quickly install itself again if you don't either run directly from the executable (as mentioned above), or add "--launcher-skip" to the launch command in galaxy.

While the launcher is optional and avoidable, I do take issue with the fact that the game has 'updated' to this being the default.

Not a good look for a company that is ssupposedly trying to win back fan loyalty.

In any case, hope the info helps.